Classification Labelling and Packaging (CLP) UK Notification

The Chemicals (Health and Safety) and Genetically Modified Organisms (Contained Use) (Amendment etc.) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019


Identity of the notifier(s) responsible for placing the substance on the market

Group Notification: Other notifying company/companies

List of notifying companies
Company Name Company Number  

Contact name for further information

Chemical identity of the substance

Add Other Chemical Name

List of other Names
Other Chemical Name  


Build a list of impurities

Build a list of other chemical names

List of other chemical names
Other Chemical Name  

List of impurities
Chemical Name IUPAC Name   EC, EINECS or ELINCs No. EC Name CAS No.                                      


Build a list of additives

Build a list of other chemical names

List of other chemical names
Other Chemical Name  

List of additives
Chemical Name IUPAC Name   EC, EINECS or ELINCs No. EC Name CAS No.                                      

Classification of the substance according to the CLP criteria

Select Classification options and choose "Add". Repeat for each classification required

List of Entered Classifications
Hazard Type Hazard Class Hazard Category Hazard Code Non-Classification Organs Route              

For those hazard classes and differentiations for which the substance is not classified it is necessary to indicate whether this is due to Data lacking, Inconclusive data or Data which are conclusive although insufficient for classification. Use button below to add "Data lacking" no classification entries. Select row and edit to change reason.

Label elements, i.e. hazard pictograms, signal words and hazard statements

Select required Pictograms
exploding bomb
flame over circle
gas cylinder
skull and crossbones
exclamation markbomb
health hazard
environment hazard

Select classifications that should appear on the label

List of Entered Classifications
  Major Category Hazard Class Hazard Category Hazard Code Organs Route          

Supplemental hazard phrases

Select Supplemental hazard phrases for label

Supplemental Hazards
Category Hazard Code      

Specific concentration limits, M-factors or Acute Toxicity Estimates (ATEs) where applicable together with a justification

Specific concentration limits

List of hazard categories
Hazard Category  
List of scl and hazard category
Range         Hazard Category        

Acute Toxicity Estimates (ATEs)



I am notifying information on this substance to the Agency for inclusion in the UK notification database with the authority and approval of the notifier(s) named in this form

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This notification will be processed overnight and will be viewable by HSE staff tomorrow morning.

You do not need to do anything else until you hear from us.

If you wish to keep a copy of the form, please download it using the button below.

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