Classification Labelling and Packaging (CLP) UK Notification


Cookies are small files saved on your phone, tablet or computer when you visit a website. We use cookies to make this site work and to enable the Remember Me function that enables you to store your details for automatic population of this form

Essential cookies

Essential cookies keep your information secure while you use this service. We do not need to ask permission to use them.

Name Purpose Expires
ASP.NET_SessionId Keeps you connected to our service. On closing the browser window.
__AntiXsrfToken Anonymous Security Cookie to prevent cross site scripting attacks. On closing the browser window.
Functional cookies

Functional cookies enhance the usability of the website. They are under your control.

Name Purpose Expires
clp Remembers the details of the notifier. 365 days or until the notifier unticks the Remember Me check box and submits a form.
hsePersonalCookieNotify Stops the Cookie Notifier banner appearing on future visits to the site. 365 days from closing Cookie Notifier banner.